I started making medicine in childhood with my German herbalist grandmother - harvesting herbs from her garden for teas, salves and tinctures. Realizing in the subsequent years what a dying art this is, I studied herbal medicine extensively - formally in institutions with clinicians, naturopaths and medicine makers, and afterward informally in apprenticeship with traditional healers in Nepal, and West Africa.
It was just a few years ago though that a friend called on his way to a date, and confided that he was feeling less than confident about his recent performance, so I made him a ‘love potion’ - a small bottle of tinctured epimedium and yohimbe I had in my medicine collection - and sent him on his way.
He called the next morning to tell me emphatically that he needed more of the stuff right away.
And thus the impetus for Sexpot Apothecary was born.
Since then, I’ve delved whole-heartedly into the herbs for sex and sexual health - sourcing, researching, and formulating with aphrodisiacs, fertility, hormone balance and libido herbs from all over the world.
For Sexpot I use simple, time honored medicine making techniques, the highest quality organic, medicinal grade herbs on earth, and extract at potent ratios, never adding anything unnecessary - no grain alcohols, glycerin or artificial sweeteners.
Just clean, timeless medicine.
In so doing I believe I’ve put together the finest herbal remedies for sexual wellness imaginable, and I hope you enjoy them immeasurably.
Xo, Jessica